Our translators work hard on accurately translating your documents.

8 Types of Documents That Need to Be Translated

Est. Reading Time: 4min
Category: Translate
Last Updated: October 29, 2020
By: Rana Hamodah

As a language translation agency, we cater to all types of clients and entertain requests to translate a variety of documents. In this article, we’ll have a look at some of the most translated documents and why someone may need to hire a language translation agency to get them translated.

Let’s start:

#1 Death Certificate

A lot of people apply for a death certificate translation as it has to be submitted for legal purposes.

This document is issued after the passing of a person and might be needed if the body has to be sent abroad. It serves as legal proof that the person has passed away. 

Survivors or family members of the deceased require a death certificate to confirm the person is no more and to complete legal proceedings.

#2 Driver’s License

This might come as a surprise to some but a lot of people require a driver’s license translation, especially when they move abroad to work or to live or when they come back to their home country after spending a lot of time abroad.

Some countries issue international driver’s licenses but these licenses are typically in the local language that might not be very well understood abroad. This is why you might have to opt for a driver’s license translation so that you will be allowed to drive abroad without any trouble.

#3 Birth Certificate

You will need a birth certificate translation to complete proceedings related to the birth of a child.

The purpose of a birth certificate is to show the relation between you and your child and that you have all parental rights. It covers important details about the child including his or her name, date of birth, etc.

You will need this document when you go to get a passport for your child, apply for immigration, etc. 

If your child was born abroad then your child’s birth certificate might not be in the official language(s) in the country that you’re applying in. In such a scenario, you will need to have the birth certificate translated so that you can complete the process without any difficulty.

#4 Marriage Certificate 

It is common for people to get married in their home country before they move abroad. This makes the process of getting a visa for their spouse easier. Similarly, a lot of people move abroad, get married, and come back to their homeland. 

When this happens, the marriage is usually only registered in the country where you got married and you will have to apply for the marriage to get registered in the country you’re moving to.

This is when you will need a marriage certificate translation. The country you have moved to will require a certified translation of the marriage certificate and some additional documents to register your marriage and consider it legal.

This is very important because you and your partner might not enjoy full spousal rights until your marriage is registered in the country you’re living in.

#5 Diploma

A diploma is an educational certificate that serves as proof of completing a specific course or degree. You will need a diploma translation services provider when you decide to move abroad for any reason or come back to your home country after completing your education abroad.

Diploma translations need to be submitted when you apply for:

  • A higher degree
  • A visa
  • A job
  • Immigration

Companies verify diploma details to gauge how skilled and able an applicant is. Your application for a visa, job, or immigration might get rejected if you do not submit a certified diploma translation. 

Companies that work with international businesses need to get legal contracts translated by a certified language translation agency to reduce the risk of errors and to ensure all legal requirements are met.

You have to be very careful when hiring a language translation agency to translate technical documents such as contracts as there is no scope for error. A small mistake in translation can change the meaning of clauses and cause you to bear heavy losses, hence be careful and only choose a provider that’s reliable.

#7 Patient Records

Patient records are needed when sending patients abroad for complex procedures. Medical translations are usually requested by organizations and not individuals. Moreover, in some countries, it is a legal requirement to get medical documents including patient records translated.

#8 Police Record

You will need a police record translation when you apply for immigration. Most embassies require such documents to ensure the applicant has no criminal background.

It doesn’t matter which of these documents you need to be translated, we have you covered. Check our services and get in touch with us today to know more. You can also go here for a free consultation.

About the author

Rana Hamodah

As a migrant to Canada, Rana understands the challenges newcomers face and how access to information can help ease the transition.

Her two Bachelors of Arts in Linguistics and Literature and Translation paired with her Masters in Education and her candidacy for a Ph.D. in Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership and Policy (EDD) at the university of British Columbia make her uniquely qualified in ethnocultural communications. She is a Commissioner for Oath and can administer oaths and take, receive, and attest affidavits, affirmations and declarations. Currently, she is also pursuing her Immigration Consultant Certificate.