SEO Translation Services Calgary

If you are on the web, then you must pay attention to Search Engine Optimization (SEO). We get a lot of requests for SEO translation services, a process that involves translating web content according to SEO rules and guidelines. SEO translation services ensure your translated content helps you reach a wider audience and make more money. Whether you have an online store or an informative site, SEO makes sure you reach more people. Request a:

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What Is SEO Content?

SEO is a technique designed to attract more visitors and make more sales. Most content you see on the internet is written according to SEO guidelines provided by popular search engines like Google and Yahoo.

SEO content is written while keeping keywords and other SEO rules in mind. Keywords, which can be defined as words or phrases people use to search for a specific product or service, are used throughout the content to help search engines and potential clients know what a specific page or website is all about.

A keyword can be a single word or a collection of words (phrases). It has to be used cleverly throughout the content so that it doesn’t disrupt the flow of words but is noticeable enough to tell people what a page is all about.

Interested in getting your blog, website, or content translated?

Get in touch with us today to start a conversation and know more about how we can help your business. Call 1 (800) 311-2094 to speak to an agent.

Why Get Web Content Translated?

The interesting thing about SEO is that it is available in every region and in every language.

The need to get your content translated is quite obvious. You will need to present your content in a language that your target audience understands. However, due to businesses now going global, it is not always the case.

A German firm, for example, will need to get the website translated to English if it wishes to reach American or British audiences. Similarly, it might have to choose Hindi for Indian audiences, Mandarin for Chinese users, etc.

In simple words, if you want to reach a wider audience, you will have to get your website translated. You will find all top websites like Facebook and MSN in multiple languages.

It’s a great way to ensure your potential clients understand your message. Moreover, it is important to form a deep connection with your audiences.

Customers live businesses that go the extra mile to make them feel at home. Presenting your website in the language they easily understand can be a great way to bridge the gap and make them feel comfortable.

However, for web content to be effective, it shouldn’t only be in the local language but should also be optimized for search engines.

Translating SEO Content

SEO translation isn’t like your regular translation where the job of the translator is to ensure the translated document says the same thing.

They don’t pay attention to other elements like keywords and META titles.

SEO is a combination of several things. It doesn’t matter how informative or well-translated a page is, it might not rank well if it hasn’t been translated according to SEO.

Think from the perspective of your buyers. Most websites on the internet are in English but not all internet users speak or understand the English language.

Someone in the US interested in buying a face mask to look beautiful might search for keywords like ‘face mask’ or ‘buy face mask’ and will come across several websites selling face masks.

On the other hand, someone in the Middle East might search for a face wash in Arabic. Even if you sell face masks in the Middle East, your website might not appear if the person searches in Arabic or Arabic-only sites.

This is why it is very important to opt for SEO translation services and get your websites translated according to SEO rules. Our translators know both translation and SEO.

We know exactly what people around the world are searching for on the web and what kind of words or phrases they typically use.

For example, users in one part of the world might look for ‘cheap dentists’ and people in the other part of the world might be looking for ‘affordable dentists’. We use a number of tools to know exactly what people search for and how. This is why we’re among the best SEO translation companies.

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Expert SEO Translators Online

SEO translations can be tricky because keywords have to be used at the right place and in the right density. Using too many keywords can lead to your site getting blacklisted and not having enough keywords can result in poor outcomes.

You need reliable and reputable translations from translators who do not only understand both languages but also the ins and outs of SEO.

We have a team of expert SEO translators who offer accurate and precise and translations.

They fully understand what Google and other search engines consider when comparing pages and create websites that help you rank well and send the right message across.

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Why Choose an Online SEO Translation Agency?

If you’re selling online, then you should ideally be buying online as well.

The internet has made it easier to buy both services and products. With the web, you don’t have to worry about the physical transportation of data.

A website can have hundreds of pages that can all be saved in a folder easily and attached as an email attachment. Hundreds of files can be sent and received within minutes, removing the need to spend time and money on managing physical copies or USBs.

Moreover, due to there being thousands of languages, companies can have a difficult time finding an SEO translation agency that covers the language that they require.

It is easy to find SEO translation agencies offering popular languages like English, Spanish, and Italian, but it can be difficult to find one that caters to Punjabi, Urdu, Hebrew, and Malay.

Thanks to the internet, all you have to do is run a search and you’ll land on our website as we offer hundreds of popular and some not so popular languages. Working online will help you save time and ensure you get exactly what you need.

We take our job very seriously and follow a five-step process so that you face no difficulty:

  • Choose SEO translation services
  • Provide the required information including original content
  • Make payments through our secure system
  • You will receive a confirmation email.
  • We’ll send you the translated document via email by the deadline. Review it and leave your feedback.

Feel free to have an in-person meeting if you are in Calgary. We’ll be happy to explain our SEO translation services and answer all your questions.

Why Choose Calgary Translation Services?

We have been in the business for years and take great pride in our services. We have one motto – to leave all our clients satisfied and happy.

Here is what makes us one of the best SEO translation agencies:

We Are Affordable

We understand that budgets are limited, and we encourage you to stay within your budget and not go overboard. This is why we offer customized quotes based on your required niche, deadline, language, and other such factors.

At Calgary Translation, our aim is to help all clients. We cater to all kinds of budgets, so feel free to get in touch with us and get a quote. Call 1 (800) 311-2094.

Our Translators Are Skilled

Our SEO translators are quite skilled and experienced. They can handle all kinds of content from web pages to technical blogs to product descriptions.

All our translators are certified and can get the job done in no time. Our translators live all around the world and bring more than ___ years of experience to the table. Whether it’s a small paragraph or a 5,000-word e-Book, we’ve got you covered.

We Cover Several Languages

At Calgary Translation Services, we offer more than 100 languages translation including some regional languages like Punjabi and Tamil.

We understand that just because someone can speak a language, doesn’t mean they can work as SEO translators. Our employees are trained so that they understand the ins and outs of SEO and can create pages that give good results.

Excellent Customer Support

Our agents are friendly, professional, and very well informed. Whether you have an issue with your order, or a question related to the process, pick up your phone and call us or write to us online.

We are available seven days a week to make things easier for you.

Catering to Various Niches

SEO translations can be tricky since there are thousands of websites belonging to different niches. All follow different styles, formats, and tones. Our translators can handle all niches including ecommerce websites.

We Respect Deadlines

Whether you need something done within 24 hours or 2 days, we’ve got you covered. We understand some projects are more urgent than others.

Let us know during the ordering process if you have a specific deadline for your project. We complete all tasks by the deadline so that you have enough time to review work and request changes, if any.

High Quality Translations

Our translators can deliver 100% accurate and reliable SEO translations that are edited and reviewed by experienced editors who understand the complexities involved in SEO translations.

When you work with us, you will get translated content that you can upload online and get started right away without having to waste time editing or correcting it.

We Care for the World

We are committed to helping people help others. This is why we are dedicated to donating 30% of our annual profits to a charity or non-profit organization as a way for us to give back to our communities.

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